Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 44 Slovenia - lake Bled

We moved on to the highlight of the trip Lake Bled.... We first went up to Bled Castle where the view of the lake was just fantastic.  The colour of the lake was gorgeous and out in the middle of the lake stands a small church on a small island.  You can get out to the island on one of the small boats rowed by these oarsmen from a standing position.  It is tradition that once you get to island and climb the steps up to the church you toll the bell to let people know you made it.  With our time restraints we just had to look from afar.

From the castle we then moved down to the resort town around the lake.  We stopped at the cafe that claims to have been the first to create the delicious  Crème Resina  (looks like a vanilla slice ).  In keeping with tradition we had to sample all things local  so it was cake, coffee and another speciality of Blueberry schnapps.... ooooh Yum... more like a blackberry nip than a bitey schnapps.... and all before lunch .... eek

No sooner but we were back on the road to Koper which is around a 2 hour drive.... you have to take your hat off to Graeme and Helena as they had drove from Bled to Koper to pick us up, then brought us back to Bled, took us back to Koper and then had the long drive back home again.

To ensure that we have time to get back to the ship, we arrive back in Koper  early so Graeme takes us on a walking tour of Koper town.... here the architecture has the more Italian feel to it,  even all the signs are shown in both languages.

Back on the pier a traditional band was playing with a few little stalls selling their wares and wine..... it was a lovely little port, it is a lovely country.


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